Discrimination and harassment are not to be tolerated within our community. All ACM FAccT events and communications (emails, online social network groups, etc.) must abide by the ACM policy against discrimination and harassment. If a violation of this policy occurs, ACM urges reporting the incident to the event chairs or directly to the ACM.
That said, ACM FAccT recognizes that reporting to the conference chairs or an upper-level ACM administrator can be intimidating, especially in the face of an already traumatic experience. The members of the ACM FAccT Executive Committee (EC) as well as the ACM FAccT Diversity and Inclusion Chairs (D&I) are willing and able to assist members of our community who may have experienced or witnessed behaviors that violate the ACM policy against discrimination and harassment at an event sponsored by ACM FAccT. EC and D&I personnel can help by providing advice on how to approach such a situation and ensure it is investigated by ACM. They are also available to listen and help anyone who has either experienced or witnessed discrimination and harassment at an event promoted by ACM FAccT, or needs counseling on how to handle it.
Note that reporting to EC and D&I personnel is not intended to replace ACM's guidelines for reporting incidents, and such reporting remains the responsibility of the community member who experienced or witnessed the incident. The EC and D&I personnel may, under exceptional circumstances, report an incident on behalf of a community member, but the member remains responsible for corroborating the facts with ACM.
This policy draws extensively from the SIGCOMM anti-harassment and discrimination policy.