Welcome to ACM FAccT 2023!
Please review the following community agreements before joining the conference. These agreements reflect the values of our community and are designed to foster inclusive and respectful interaction. They are adapted from Allied Media Conference's community agreements .
A safe and inclusive conference space is our priority.
Participants must abide by ACM’s Policy Against Harassment at ACM Activities and the ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and agree that behavior which deviates from these guidelines will constitute grounds for actions against any attendee.
If you are involved in or witness any such incident, please submit a complaint to the conference organizers and the members of the Safety and Inclusion team will review the case.
Respect fellow participants and scholars. Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech.
Practice explicit affirmative verbal consent. Do not photograph, record, or screenshot any session without notification and consent.
Understand that there are a wide variety of ways that people communicate, process information, and express themselves. Exercise consideration and respect in your speech and action.
Ask questions before assuming. The best way to understand the choices, actions, or intentions of one another is by asking.
No one knows everything; together we know a lot.
In any conversation, especially ones about systemic power (race, class, gender, etc), we know that each person is coming to the conversation with different levels of lived experience and embodied expertise. We also believe that each person has something to contribute to the conversation. This agreement asks that we all practice being humble, and look for what we have to learn from each person in the room. It asks us to share what we know, as well as our questions, so that others may learn from us.
Ask for clarification. No question is a bad question. Be mindful of your fellow participants and do not imply that there things that everybody should know;
Calling in instead of calling out. Whenever appropriate, try contacting someone directly, individually or in a small group setting, to voice your grievances, criticisms, or concerns about their speech or actions before denouncing them publicly. If you are involved in or witness harassment or behavior that deviates from these community guidelines, please submit a complaint to the conference organizers and the members of the Safety and Inclusion team will review the case.
Stay flexible and patient around any technology needs, changes, cancellations or schedule shifts throughout the conference.
If you need something at the conference, ask for it!
Regarding registration or conference access, please email registration@facctconference.org.
Regarding accessibility and inclusion, please email inclusion@facctconference.org
With general questions or concerns, please email general-chairs@facctconference.org
Submitting a Complaint
The Safety and Inclusion Team involves the following individuals:
For any given incident, a subset of the team may be involved in order to act swiftly. All complaints will be reviewed by a panel that consists of at least three individuals. The panel will convene to review a complaint as soon as feasible and decide, based on the ACM policies and available or relevant evidence, appropriate disciplinary action which can include but is not limited to partial or full dismissal from the conference. The panel also encourages all submitters to complete an additional confidential complaint to ACM.