• Aaron Horowitz (American Civil Liberties Union)
  • Aaron Snoswell (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Abigail Jacobs (University of Michigan)
  • Adam LaMee (University of Central Florida)
  • Aidan Kierans (University of Connecticut)
  • Alan Chan (Mila, University of Montreal)
  • Albert Sabater Coll (Catalan Observatory for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence, University of Girona)
  • Alessandro Fabris (Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy)
  • Alex Argüelles ((comun.al, Digital Resilience Lab MX))
  • Alondra Nelson (Institute for Advanced Study)
  • Ameen Jauhar (Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy)
  • Ana Valdivia (University of Oxford)
  • Anaelia Ovalle (University of California, Los Angeles)
  • Andrew Critch (CEO and Research Scientist, Encultured AI and UC Berkeley)
  • Andrew Selbst (UCLA School of Law)
  • Andrew Smart (Google)
  • Andrés Domínguez Hernández (University of Bristol)
  • Angela Zhou (University of Southern California)
  • Angelina Wang (Princeton University)
  • Anna Ma (McGill University)
  • Anna P. Meyer (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
  • Anna-Lena Theus (Carleton University)
  • Aritra Dasgupta (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
  • Arjun Subramonian (University of California, Los Angeles)
  • Arvind Narayanan (Princeton University)
  • Ashwin Singh (Queer In AI)
  • Asia Biega (Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy)
  • Atoosa Kasirzadeh (University of Edinburgh & Alan Turing Institute)
  • Aylin Caliskan (University of Washington)
  • Aziz Huq (University of Chicago Law School)
  • Barry O'Sullivan (University College Cork, Ireland)
  • Beatriz Botero Arcila (Sciences Po)
  • Ben Winters (Electronic Privacy Information Center)
  • Benjamin Laufer (Cornell Tech)
  • Berk Ustun (UCSD)
  • Bhaskar Mitra (Microsoft Research)
  • Bogdan Kulynych (EPFL)
  • Borhane Blili-Hamelin (AI Risk and Vulnerability Alliance)
  • Boru Gollo Jattani (Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and LLM student at NYU Law.)
  • Brandon Thai Tran (Independent)
  • Brian Christian (Author, UC Berkeley & University of Oxford)
  • Brian J. Chen (Data & Society Research Institute)
  • C. Estelle Smith, PhD, Assistant Professor (Computer Science, Colorado School of Mines)
  • Cansu Ekmekcioglu (University of Toronto)
  • Canyu Chen (Illinois Institute of Technology)
  • Carmen Mazijn (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
  • Chanuki Illushka Seresinhe, PhD ()
  • Charvi Rastogi ()
  • Chiara Gallese (Eindhoven University of Technology)
  • Chika Miyamoto ()
  • Chinasa T. Okolo (Cornell University)
  • Christopher Graziul (University of Chicago)
  • Cindy Lin (Penn State University)
  • Clara Belitz (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
  • Cori Faklaris (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
  • Corinna Hertweck (University of Zurich & Zurich University of Applied Sciences)
  • Cynthia Liem (Delft University of Technology)
  • Danaë Metaxa (University of Pennsylvania)
  • Daniel Domínguez Figaredo (NYU—Center for Responsible AI)
  • Daniel Estrada (NJIT)
  • Daniel Ritchie (Brain Wave Collective, LCA)
  • Darren Vengroff (TSI)
  • David Gray Widder (Carnegie Mellon University, Cornell Tech)
  • David Krueger (University of Cambridge)
  • David Liu (Northeastern University)
  • David Manheim (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
  • David Sumpter (Uppsala University)
  • Deepa Singh (University of Delhi)
  • Devesh Narayanan (National University of Singapore, Stanford University)
  • Diego Gómez-Zará (University of Notre Dame)
  • Diletta Huyskes (University of Milan)
  • Divya Ramesh (University of Michigan)
  • Doris Aschenbrenner (Aalen University)
  • Dr Abeba Birhane (Mozilla Foundation)
  • Dr. J. Nathan Matias (Cornell University Citizens and Technology Lab)
  • Dr. Joy Buolamwini (Algorithmic Justice League)
  • Dr. Kalinda Ukanwa (University of Southern California)
  • Dr. Kris Shrishak (Irish Council for Civil Liberties)
  • Dr. Sasha Costanza-Chock (Northeastern University)
  • Dr. Timnit Gebru (The Distributed AI Research Institute (DAIR))
  • Dylan Hadfield-Menell (Assistant Professor, MIT EECS)
  • Eike Petersen (Technical University of Denmark)
  • Eirini Ntoutsi (University of the Bundeswehr Munich)
  • Elena Štefancová (Comenius University in Bratislava / University of Colorado Boulder)
  • Emma Beauxis-Aussalet (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
  • Emnet Tafesse ((Data & Society Research Institute))
  • Eric L. Epps (Salve Regina University, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
  • Eva Toorenent (Artists)
  • Evani Radiya-Dixit (Stanford University)
  • Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (iHub, Radboud University, The Netherlands)
  • Gabriel Grill (University of Michigan)
  • Gabriel Lima (MPI-SP)
  • Gerd Leonhard (Royal Society of the Arts, Fellow)
  • Gina Neff (Minderoo Centre for Technology & Democracy, University of Cambridge)
  • Gowri Balasubramaniam (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
  • Gustavo Biscaia de Lacerda (Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil)
  • Hana Galijasevic (University of Michigan)
  • Hank Cecil (Starship Care, LLC)
  • Hannah Sassaman (People's Tech Project)
  • Harry Jiang ()
  • Harshvardhan Pandit (ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University)
  • Hauters, Jan (UCL IOE CCM Knowledge Lab (postgrad student))
  • Haydn Belfield (University of Cambridge, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk)
  • Hilde Weerts (Eindhoven University of Technology)
  • I. Elizabeth Kumar (Center for Tech Responsibility, Brown University)
  • Iason Gabriel (Google DeepMind)
  • Inioluwa Deborah Raji (University of California, Berkeley)
  • Jacob Metcalf, PhD (Data & Society Research Institute)
  • Jacqueline Wernimont (Dartmouth)
  • Jacy Reese Anthis (Sentience Institute)
  • Jake Stone (The Australian National University)
  • Janet Haven (Data & Society Research Institute)
  • Jared Katzman (University of Michigan)
  • Javier Sánchez Monedero (University of Córdoba)
  • Jeffrey Gleason (Northeastern University)
  • Jen Lee (ACLU of Washington)
  • Jenna Burrell (Data & Society)
  • Jennifer Golbeck (University of Maryland)
  • Jessica Cheng (Artists)
  • Jihan Ryu ()
  • John Zerilli (University of Edinburgh)
  • Juan Pablo Bermúdez (Imperial College London)
  • Judith Membrives i Llorens (UOC)
  • Julia Stoyanovich (Director, Center for Responsible AI, New York University)
  • Juniper Lovato (University of Vermont Complex Systems Center)
  • Kai Shu (Illinois Institute of Technology)
  • Kalinda Ukanwa (University of Southern California)
  • Karolin Kappler (Katholische Hochschul NRW)
  • Katherine Bankole-Medina (Coppin State University)
  • Katherine Walden (University of Notre Dame)
  • Kathy Baxter (Salesforce)
  • Katja Andric (University of Edinburgh)
  • Ken Holstein (Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Kevin Klyman (Stanford Center for Research on Foundation Models)
  • Kleber Bernardo (UFABC)
  • Lameck Mbangula Amugongo (Technical University of Munich & Namibia University of Science & Technology)
  • Lara Groves (Ada Lovelace Institute)
  • Laura Forlano (Northeastern University)
  • Laura Lucaj (lauralucaj@gmail.com)
  • Lauren Klein (Emory University)
  • Lauren M. E. Goodlad (Rutgers)
  • Liz B. Marquis (MathWorks)
  • Logan Koepke (Upturn)
  • Luca Nannini (Indra Sistemas)
  • Luis Morton (UAM-C)
  • Luke Guerdan (Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Luke Stark (Western University, London ON)
  • Lương Đức Vinh ()
  • M.J. Crockett (Princeton University)
  • Mackenzie Jorgensen (King's College London)
  • Manel (CWI, The Netherlands)
  • Maranke Wieringa (Utrecht University)
  • Marc Aidinoff (Institute for Advanced Study)
  • Maria Loks-Thompson (DeepMind)
  • Marie Decker (RWTH Aachen University)
  • Marisa Ponti (University of Gothenburg)
  • Mark Wong (University of Glasgow)
  • María Carolina Jiménez (University of Geneva)
  • María Paz Hermosilla (GobLab Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez)
  • Matias Valdenegro-Toro (Department of Artificial Intelligence, Bernoulli Institute, University of Groningen)
  • Matthew Bui (University of Michigan)
  • Matthew Franchi (Cornell Tech)
  • Meg Young (Data & Society Research Institute)
  • Mel Andrews (Carnegie Mellon University, University of Cincinnati)
  • Meredith Broussard (New York University)
  • Merve Hickok (Center for AI and Digital Policy)
  • Michael Huang ()
  • Michael Madaio (I)
  • Michael Muller ((a technology company) + ACM Distinguished Scientist + ACM SIGCHI CARES co-chair)
  • Michele Gilman (University of Baltimore Law School)
  • Michelle Lin (McGill University)
  • Michi Sugai (Illustrator)
  • Mihaela Voicu (Independent Artist)
  • Min Kyung Lee (UT Austin)
  • Momin Malik (Mayo Clinic)
  • Monica Lopez (Holistic AI)
  • Morgan Klaus Scheuerman (University of Colorado Boulder)
  • Nai Lee Kalema (UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose)
  • Neal Patwari (Washington University in St. Louis)
  • Ned Cooper (Australian National University)
  • Nic Fishman (University of Oxford)
  • Nicholas Vincent (UC Davis)
  • Nick Brown (Google)
  • Nicolas E. Diaz Ferreyra (Hamburg University of Technology)
  • Nicolas Moës (The Future Society)
  • Nicolas Scharowski (University of Basel)
  • Nikola Banovic (University of Michigan)
  • Nuredin Ali (University of Minnesota/DAIR)
  • Nuria Oliver (ELLIS Alicante Foundation, aka Institute for Humanity-centric AI)
  • Orestis Papakyriakopoulos (Sony AI)
  • Oscar D. Murgueytio P. (Data Scientist | Economist) (for identification purposes.)
  • Payal Arora (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
  • Pedro Saleiro (Feedzai)
  • Peter MacKinnon (University of Ottawa - Faculty of Engineering)
  • Prakhar Ganesh (Mila, University of Montreal)
  • Prateek Shankar (Rhode Island School of Design)
  • Professor Chris Marsden (Monash University)
  • R. Stuart Geiger (University of California, San Diego)
  • Rae Walker (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
  • Raesetje Sefala (DAIR Institute | Mila)
  • Rafael Becerril (University of South Carolina)
  • Ramak Molavi Vasse'i (The Law Technologist)
  • Raphaële Xenidis (Sciences Po, Law School)
  • Rebecca L. Johnson (The University of Sydney)
  • Reham Al Tamime (Qatar Computing Research Institute & University of Southampton)
  • Renzhe Yu (Columbia University)
  • Renée Sieber (McGill University)
  • Reuben Binns (University of Oxford)
  • Ricardo Baeza-Yates (EAI, Northeastern University)
  • Richard Lanas Phillips (Cornell University)
  • Rishi Advani (University of Illinois Chicago)
  • Robin Burke (University of Colorado, Boulder)
  • Rock Yuren Pang (University of Washington)
  • Roel Dobbe (Delft University of Technology)
  • Roman V. Yampolskiy (University of Louisville)
  • Ruth Starkman (Stanford University)
  • Ryan Steed (Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Sabine Schmidtke (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton NJ)
  • Salvatore Ruggieri (University of Pisa, Italy)
  • Sanmay Das (George Mason University)
  • Sanna J. Ali (Stanford University)
  • Sarah Fox (Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Sarah M Brown (University of Rhode Island)
  • Sarah Myers West (AI Now Institute)
  • Sayash Kapoor (Princeton University)
  • Sean O hEigeartaigh (Centre for the Future of Intelligence, University of Cambridge)
  • Serena Oduro (Data & Society Research Institute)
  • Sergio Guadarrama (Google DeepMind)
  • Severin Engelmann (Technical University of Munich)
  • Seán Healy (ADAPT Centre, Dublin, Ireland)
  • Shiran Dudy (Northeastern University)
  • Shreya Chowdhary (University of Michigan)
  • Shreyasha Paudel (University of Toronto)
  • Shubham Singh (University of Illinois Chicago)
  • Siddharth Mehrotra (TU Delft)
  • Silvia DalBen Furtado (University of Texas at Austin)
  • Sorelle Friedler (Haverford College)
  • Srijan Kumar (Georgia Institute of Technology)
  • Stacy Doore (Colby College)
  • Subho Majumdar (AI Risk and Vulnerability Alliance)
  • Suresh Venkatasubramanian (Director, Center for Tech Responsibility, Brown University)
  • Syed AbuMusab (University of Kansas)
  • Tawana Petty (Detroit Digital Justice Coalition)
  • Teresa Salazar (University of Coimbra)
  • Teresa Salazar (University of Coimbra)
  • Thomas G. Dietterich (Oregon State University)
  • Tianxing Dwight Xia (University of Sydney)
  • Tim de Jonge (Radboud University Nijmegen)
  • Tracy Pizzo Frey (Restorative AI, Uncommon Impact)
  • Tzu-Sheng Kuo (Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Varun Bhatnagar (Northwestern University)
  • Varun Nagaraj Rao (Princeton University)
  • Vasundhra Dahiya (Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur India.)
  • Vidushi Marda (Independent)
  • Vincent Conitzer (Carnegie Mellon University and University of Oxford)
  • Vinyas Harish (University of Toronto)
  • Vivian Guetler (University of Northern Colorado)
  • Wells Lucas Santo (University of Michigan)
  • Wendy Xu (HKUST)
  • Wyatt Tessari L'Allié (AI Governance and Safety Canada)
  • Yang Shi (North Carolina State University)
  • Yashwinie Shivanand (Government of Canada)
  • Yim Register (University of Washington)
  • Yoav Schlesinger (Architect, Ethical AI Practice, Salesforce)
  • Yoehan Oh (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
  • Yong Jin Park (Howard University)
  • Yue Dong (University of California, Riverside)
  • Yukise Lefebvre ()
  • Yumiko Toho ()
  • Zachary Kenton (Google Deepmind)
  • danah boyd (Microsoft Research / Georgetown University)
  • haruka kojima ()
  • jumana (Pivot For Humanity)
  • michael barnes (Australian National University)
  • nakashima tooru ()
  • philipp schaumann ()
  • sima ()
  • Ömer Sümer (University of Augsburg)
  • あずさゆみ ()
  • 半田敏教 ()
  • 雪畑 貴樹 ()